a blog listens when nobody else does

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

I think that the best kind of partner is someone who makes you feel good about yourself, but at the same time making you want to be better and better each day.

The one who keeps you questioning "what did I do to deserve you?", but instead of making you give up and let go, you'll want to do your best to give back.

Now tell me, what did I do to deserve you?

Monday, April 18, 2016

It's nice to find something out about yourself that you never knew before. It's like getting to know yourself better. And it feels strange because you thought you knew yourself really well, but it turned out that you didn't. It's also kinda sad because you know nobody knows you better than yourself. So nobody really knows yourself that well.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Bukankah alasanmu bisa hidup adalah tujuanmu untuk hidup?

Friday, July 17, 2015

Happy Eid Mubarak!

Four years ago, on an Eid Fitr eve like this, I was sitting on my motorcycle behind you, looking at a sky full of fireworks when we got stuck in a traffic jam after riding around the city to deliver 2 backpacks full of yearbooks to our classmates. Every single one of their house.
Now looking back, I've got to admit that it was a folly and I was insane and you were clearly attracted to me. And I was undoubtedly crushing on you.

Because nobody wouldn't see why I would want to spend two freaking exhausting days with you delivering the books when in fact we could make them come pick the books themselves. And our friends' houses weren't even close one another.

But so we did, out of our insanity.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

What do we chase in life, what do we look for? Is it happiness?

Doesn't being with the people we love makes us happy too? Then why do we have to live apart from them?

Oh those questions that pop into my head every now and then. The questions I ask myself each time I mingle with my lovable siblings. How many times those thoughts made me want to burst into tears throughout my stay at home last Easter holiday. The mishmash of thankfulness and regret when I finally felt the rare bliss of being with my own family. I got the blues thinking about the ten years of my life that I could have, but didn't spent with them.

But here's the funny thing: I knew I would be heartbroken, but why did I choose to leave in the first place? Wasn't there enough affection to hold me back from leaving?

Perhaps we're all fated to wander, searching for things that are outside of our reach. Perhaps that is solely the nature of every human being, as even Adam and Eve too wasn't satisfied with the Garden of Eden.

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Am I Happy?

What is happiness?

It took quite some time, and a lot of sentences to describe the word.

Happiness is listening to my favorite songs until I get sick of them.
Happiness is finding new songs to listen to.
Happiness is eating my favorite food.
Happiness is cooking something without burning it.
Happiness is the first rain in a rainy season.
Happiness is sniffing the smell of the wet land when the rain comes pouring.
Happiness is meeting new friends that click.
Happiness is hours and hours of hanging out with an old friend.
Happiness is seeing an awesome concert.
Happiness is nailing a gig.
Happiness is all the joking after failing a gig.
Happiness is accomplishing a task at the last minutes.
Happiness is finishing a work long before the deadline.
Happiness is buying something I've wanted for so long.
Happiness is going on an unplanned shopping.
Happiness is using up all my money buying clothes on sale.
Happiness is reading a good book.
Happiness is spending my money buying discounted books.
Happiness is being able to play the piece I love on the piano.
Happiness is watching a nice movie.
Happiness is re-watching the movie I love.
Happiness is spending a productive day.
Happiness is looking at old pictures.
Happiness is feeling safe.
Happiness is making other people happy.
Happiness is knowing my loved ones are happy.
Happiness is being with people I love.
Happiness is being with people who love me back.

To sum up I'll have to be cliché; happiness is being contented with what I've got.

And after all,
happiness is knowing the things that make me happy,
Yet knowing there's still plenty of time to figure out the rest of them.

Yes, I am a happy person :)

Monday, December 02, 2013

Semakin Dipikir Semakin Nggak Paham

Waktu itu abstrak.

Waktu itu nggak benar-benar ada.

Waktu itu bukan sesuatu yang bisa digapai, nggak kayak bentuk yang bisa disentuh atau jarak yang bisa ditempuh.

Tapi kenapa seluruh dunia bisa membahasakan waktu?

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Girls and Shallow Minds

Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."

I was stumbling across quotes pictures when I found this one. Those words struck me immediately. How true those words are, and how shallow I had been all this time.

The night before, I had a conversation with a close friend of mine. He shared his thoughts that knowledge should never be exchanged for money, because... of some reasons I can't really retell (I know, bad memory). The thing is, we discussed ideas. He MADE me discuss ideas with him and such thing never happens when we're with all our other friends.

Then I realized that the discussions I've had with my male friends usually occurs on more worthy topics, while I spent most of my time with my female friends gossiping. Is it already set in our brain?

Monday, July 22, 2013

I've always been wondering
what if..

the reality isn't real.

What if the things we see is only happening in our minds.

What if other people don't really exist; I'm only projecting them.
Or maybe I only exist in someone's mind?

What if what I see differs from what you see.

If the colors in my world is not the same with yours.
If I feel things differently.

What if our senses are deceiving us?

I've always been wondering.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Tamagoci, Bukan Tamagotchi

Dari tadi sore aku nyariin aplikasi tamagoci di App Store hahahaha.

Salah satu momen paling memorable dari masa kecilku adalah waktu aku punya tamagoci. Seumur hidup aku cuma sekali punya tamagoci. Bukan Tamagotchi asli dari Bandai yang mahawl itu, tapi tamagoci-tamagocian yang beli di abang-abang depan sekolah. Harganya 20ribu, aku beli pas lagi rame-ramenya temen-temenku punya tamagoci. Biasalah anak SD masih mainstream. Aku inget banget itu tamagoci bentuknya bulet telor, warnanya ijo telor asin.

Jadi ceritanya suatu hari aku punya duit dan akhirnya beli tamagoci. Pas abis beli tuh rasanya bahagia gitu. Eh bukan deng, buuuwahagiya! Kayak seneng banget gitu. Waktu itu seakan aku akhirnya punya tujuan hidup. Ada suatu makhluk yang hidupnya bergantung padaku. Itu adalah makhluk di dalam tamagoci non ori yang baru kubeli. Dan makhluk itu bentuknya telor.

Dan ceritanya telornya dimasukin ke kulkas...

Dan kemudian telornya menetas...

Dan ternyata isinya pinguin...

Terus aku kayak aaaa omg it's soo cute! Pinguinnya kecil abis, dan kyut abis, dan dia maemnya ikan. Aaaaaa lucu bangeeeeettt. Terus dia boboknya di kulkas. Aaaaaaak lucu bangeeeeeehhttt!! Pertamanya dia cuma kecil gitu, terus lama-lama tambah gede *yaiyalah*. Terus ada gamenya, gamenya mancing biar dia dapet ikan buat dimakan. Aaaaaaaaaaaakk!!!

Hidupku serasa sempurna dengan kehadiran si tamagoci. Aku bangun tidur langsung ngecek tamagoci. Terus kalo dia udah tambah gede aku seneng banget gitu. Pas aku sekolah tamagocinya aku bawa. Waktu itu aku les sempoa juga, dan pas les sempoa itu tamagoci juga kubawa. Kemudian terjadilah suatu musibah, yaitu aku harus ujian sempoa.

Waktu les sempoa itu aku nggak pinter-pinter amat lo, meskipun pas lomba pernah dapet piala. Tulisan di pialanya "Tunas Harapan". Keren kan! Tapi kedengerannya aja keren, padahal yang namanya tunas itu kan ya belom tumbuh, terus semua anak yang ikut lomba sempoa (dan nggak menang) itu dapet piala tunas harapan. Terus itu satu-satunya piala yang pernah aku dapet gitu HAHAHAHA oke ini ga nyambung.

Jadi pas itu aku ujian sempoa, dan temenku lagi nggak ujian jadi dia pinjem tamagociku. Kan aku lagi ujian, jadi aku nggak bisa ngawasin temenku itulah. Nah abis itu aku lupa apa yang terjadi. Pokoknya setelah aku pulang aku baru sadar tamagociku belom balik. Padahal waktu itu aku masih sekitar kelas 2 apa 3 SD, dan belom ada yang punya handphone. Nomer telpon temenku itu juga aku nggak tau. Jadilah aku nunggu sampe pertemuan sempoa berikutnya baru aku nanya ke dia. Eh katanya dia nggak inget tamagocinya dikemanain. Terus kan waktu itu aku masih penakut banget, ya aku ga berani marah sama dia. TERUS AKU NYESEL SEUMUR HIDUP T_________T

Aku kangen tamagocikuuuuuuuu hikksssssssss...

Aku nggak pernah nemu yang sama lagi kayak gitu, abang-abangnya juga ga jual lagi tamagoci yang sama. Aku mau tamagociku kembali! Ga mau tamagoci lain maunya tamagoci pinguin! Huaaaaaaaaa...