a blog listens when nobody else does

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Bewildered with myself, I'm easily get distracted by questions like:
  • Who are you?
  • What kind of girl are you?
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
I need to define myself.

I need to know more about me. About my taste, about my favorite things, the clothes I have to wear, books I like to read, movies I like to watch, things I like to do.

I wanna know what it feels like to know what to choose, not to be bothered by others' view.

It would feel really nice to know who you are, and to be happy with it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

But All I Can Do is Think...

Loooooooooooooong time no blog. I've been so lazy to update my blog since I'd become a tweet-a-holic *I don't know if that word really exists but that's how I call people tweeting a lot :p

Hey it's holiday now! It's the "Ujian Nasional" time so I get 5 days off. It's a long awaited holiday and I'm soo glad now that I don't have to wake up early in the morning. Even better, I can sit in front of the computer all day. Can you believe that I can stand browsing the internet for more than 12 hours a day? I myself still don't believe it.

Well I'm gonna use my free time to manage the business I'm doing in kaskus. I'm selling T-shirts of Panic! at the Disco and All Time Low. Unfortunately, it seems that my design for ATL doesn't get many buyers. I think I'll just cancel that one and only make the P!ATD tees. Can't wait for them to be printed!

Talking about business, I really really want to do a serious business. Maybe opening an online store, or things like that. Well I guess I've got many ideas, I'm just too pessimistic.

Anyways, I'm currently in love with some old rock songs, which is unusual for me, cause I used to listen to teenage pop rock bands. But those oldies are just so ... rock. I mean when I hear the word "rock", my brain automatically shows the sound of 80's rock songs with cry baby guitar effects and pictures of long haired band members wearing leather jackets. Like these:

Bon Jovi



Cliche isn't it? I guess I'm stereotyping.
It's not because of how they look or their lifestyle, but I don't know why I still don't get it when bands like Jonas Brothers (can we even call it a band?) are said to be rock bands. They are so pop!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

New Keyboard, You Made My Day

Keyboard baruuu, wohooooooo *norakkkkk

gila rasanya make keyboard baru seneng banget, setelah keyboard yang lama cuma bisa dipake 20% parahh zzz *berlebihan

tapi emang bener, aku ga bakal menghargai suatu hal sebelom aku kehilangan hal itu.

coba aja ngetik pake on screen keyboard yang oh my god, sangat melambatkan pengetikan. apalagi chatting pake itu. udah ga biasa nyingkat" kata, pake keyboard yang diklik klik. jadinya lamaaaaaaaa bangetttttt. orang di sebelah sana udah nulis satu paragraf, aku satu kalimat belom selesai. mana salah-salah pula nulisnya, ahuhuhuhuhuhu

tapi thank god itu semua sudah berlalu. aku sekarang bisa nulis dengan maximum speed, selamat datang keyboard baru! huahahahahahahahhaha

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tahun Baru, Tugas Memburu

Happy (late) New Yeeaarrr! It's been sooo loong since my last post. And there's alot of things to write. Unfortunately I'm not a good writer that when I'm gonna write something, it suddenly disappears from my head. Plop!

I'm thinking about making a new year's resolution. I'm gonna try harder this year 'cause my last year's resolution was just about... 20% completed. Kinda frustrating isn't it? However, making the list is so much fun! It's like we're planning our future and I can imagine many pleasant things to do. Even though I'm also not a good planner that when I plan something I can barely sleep thinking about it all night. Geez that's really annoying.

The latest case was last night. I couldn't sleep while my head was fullfilled by things I wanted and had to do. I wrote them down and there was about 13 points on the list. I tried to sleep but still I couldn't. Everytime I closed my eyes, I saw bags, shoes, and clothes I wanted to buy. Also I saw designs I hadn't finished and how I would disappoint people if I hadn't finished them on time. Plus the weather was sooooooooo breezing. But I still use the fan anyway. Doubled fan, hahaha. At last I slept at half past three (after going to the toilet for 4-5 times) and woke up at half past five with my stomach filled with air. Really good night sleep zz

Despite the fact that making a plan sends me to a horrible night, I still want to make my resolution this year! Here's it:
1. Inspired by this article, I'm gonna make a project called Daily Design or whatever it will be called. I'm gonna design something everyday. Sounds really fun but hard to do.
2. Study more. I wanna get a better rank. Big 5 is better.
3. Live healthy. Drink more water, exercise more, I wanna get rid of my headaches.
4. Level up my guitar skill.
5. Clean my room. And keep it clean for at least a week.
6. Buy everything I want to buy! Hahaha.

I'm so excited about making daily design. Maybe just a drawing a day, but that is really fun to do :D